Tuesday, March 31, 2009

More Celebs Weigh In On Being Fat

Again...there's no escaping it....Hollywood has an insane obsession with weight. Besides the article I previously mentioned about even Miss Piggy being scrutinized, now Kim Kardashian is being insulted when pictures of her with cellulite emerged.
Instead of being upset, however, Kim K was proud of her jiggly bits and apparently former Girl Next Door Holly Madison is too. I'm hoping these girls standing up for themselves will show "normal" girls that you dont have to be a size two to be beautiful. Good Job!


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Colbert goes to outer space time


Stephen Colbert might actually get his name used as the label for the new room on the space station. The king of shameless self promotion urged viewers to vote for his name on nasa's website and amazingly...it had the most number of votes! Now all that's left to do is have NASA approve it....which may be hard.
I'm not sure how much those scientist rich guys will be willing to have a comedy news reporter be the associated with their research. Either way I think it's kind of cool. Not only because i'm a fan of Stephen Colbert, but because it'd be kind of a time capsule to show future generations what was important to us in 2009. It could always be worse though...we could name it Miley...*shudder*

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sad Season Finale

Last night Jon and Kate + 8 wrapped their 4th season and (perhaps) the last. Jon misses the former anymonity (sp?) he had before their adorable brood became celebrities. Kate, however, expressed that she loves the show and the opertunities it has opened up for them.

For those of you who aren't aware, Jon and Kate Gosselin are parents of eight children, a set of twins and a set of sextuplets, that have a television show on TLC. The twins (Mady and Cara) are eight years old and the sextuplets (Alexis, Hannah, Aaden, Collin, Leah, and Joel) are four and a half.


Maybe I'm a selfish viewer but I love this show and I would be minorly devastated if it ended. It's fun to watch the kids grow up and see them expierence from their eyes. If they do end it though, I can hold out hope that they will have a "where are they now" special ten years from now.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Britney's new video!

Britney Spears has debuted her new video for the song "if u seek amy" off her circus album. This song has been deemed controversial because if you say the title of the song fast it sounds like you're spelling the F word. I have two problems with this...first she never actually says the F word...the title of the song is IF YOU SEEK AMY nothing worse than that. Second there's no reason to censor this song because again...nothing bad is said.
Anyways on to the video. The beginning is pure old school Britney and I love it! But the part where she turns into Suzie Homemaker near the end confuses me. What do 1950s clothes and apple pie have to do with the sexy party in the beginning? If you understand it explain it to me please. Either way...Britney's back, she looks amazing, sounds amazing, and overall seems healthy! YAY!


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Real Talent

I know we're so surrounded by the Jonas Brothers and Miley Cyrus to remember what real talent is sometimes but ehre's a perfect example. http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20264575,00.html. Paul McCartney's upcoming Las Vegas concert sold out in 7 MINUTES! He may not be #1 on the billboard charts, but his carreer is one that these new celebs would love to emulate!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Second Chances....

Siegfried and Roy, the illusionists from vegas, preformed with the tiger that almost destroyed Roy's life 6 years ago. http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20262324,00.html Now I know Roy believes that the tiger was only trying to save him from falling off the stage but there's no way I would have that kind of courage to get on stage with a 600+ pound animal that almost killed me. I do admire the fact that they wouldn't let the animal get put down.

But not everyone should get a second chance......

Chris Brown and Rihanna are back together after he allegedly beat her. http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20262240,00.html. I'm not going to go too much into that one. It upsets me a lot because no girl should go back to a guy after he beats her...no matter how good looking or talented he is.