Thursday, January 21, 2010

*SIDE NOTE* Obama's First Year

History has been happening for one year now. America's first African American president has been shattering boundaries and breaking news for the last year and things have been...interesting. Despite the fact things have not been as productive as I hoped, I still stand by the vote I cast last January.

The economy was in disarray, almost beyond repair, and although its not back with a vengeance yet, its on the up-and-up. CBS News reports that the national debt on the day Mr. Obama took office was $10.626 trillion and now one year later it is $12.319 trillion. This being said there was an increase on Mr. Obama's watch of $1.693 trillion. Time magazine has tried to find patterns in President Obama's term so far and the only trend they were able to find is that "Of the past seven Presidents, the two Bushes rank at the top in popularity after one year, while Obama and Bill Clinton rank at the bottom." If this is the case, then we can expect only positive things in the future.

My biggest problem with our commander in chief is that the world treats him like a CELEBRITY rather than a POLITICAL FIGURE. Yes he's interesting and in the public eye, but if I have to read one more article about Michelle's arms or how Obama killed a fly single-handedly I'll scream.


  1. I must agree with you about the celebrity worship thing. It is really annoying. And about the slow but evident improvements I also agree. We can't expect a probably this bit to be fixed in a year.


  2. "Of the past seven Presidents, the two Bushes rank at the top in popularity after one year, while Obama and Bill Clinton rank at the bottom." If this is the case, then we can expect only positive things in the future.

    this made me smile

  3. 1) African-American (1st graf)
    2) it's not its (2nd graf)
    3) It would have been clever to hyperlink to the story that revealed: "CBS News" reports that the national debt on the day Mr. Obama took office was $10.626 trillion and now one year later it is $12.319 trillion. The same could be said of the "Time" factoid later, Michelle's arms, and Obama killing a fly.
