Friday, March 5, 2010

Help our children learn geography!

It has been well documented that the American education system...shall we say lacks in comparison to other countries. That's not to say we haven't tried to educate our children early so we don't have another Miss South Carolina situation on our hands. A report out in 2006 showed nearly two-thirds of Americans aged 18 to 24 still cannot find Iraq on a map. With shows like Sesame Street, as well as shows from our generation, such as Animaniacs and Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego, there is hope for future generations.

The Animaniacs

Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?

Sesame Street


  1. After evaluating Ms. Brenner's work from an editorial point of view, I have concluded that i would hire her. Though I don't agree with many of Ms. Brenner's opinions, I recognize that our differences in opinion is exactly why I continued to read her blog; I wanted to see what else she and I disagreed upon. Though her blog, is not necessarily contraversial it draws in readers. Her writing style is a bit, simplistic in my opinion though. Although she writes clearly and expresses herself well I find that, despite it being about her own opinion, her own personailty rarely shines through. That would be one of my only criticisms to Ms. Brenner.

  2. Make sure your videos fit in your blog. If they're too large, embed smaller versions.

    I agree with the student comment that your writing is one-dimensional and simplistic at times. Don't just focus on the surface issues; let yourself shine through and delve deeper into your subject matter.
