Thursday, May 6, 2010

What I Deserve In This Class

As you have realized by now, logically I deserve a "B". My work has been my best effort, but apparently, "above average" is all I am going to get. I have gotten "B"s in your intro and online classes as well so at least I am consistent. I did the work, although most of my blogs were weeks late. Even so, I did learn how to properly blog about topics that I otherwise wouldn't have approached. I took on topics such as politics, religion, the economy, and even Nazis. Those controversial topics I would have steered clear from at the risk of offending someone. Now, with having completed this class, I have learned to tactfully handle those topics as well as a plethora of others.

With this in mind, the grade I would LOVE to have at the end of this class is an "A". I have only missed one class the entire semester which shows my effort. Along with this I did my best which, as our parents always tell us growing up, is all that matters. Also, because this my last semester and even more than that, my last final ever, I would like to think you have a heart and would give me an "A" as...a graduation present. If nothing else, consider that my overall GPA will be a 2.99 with a "B" in this class but I will have the satisfaction of graduating with over a 3.00 if I earn/get an "A".

Whether I achieve an "A" or more likely, a "B", I will leave here with the satisfaction of knowing that I learned many things in this class. I have learned about blogs and hyperlinks and my knowledge will be put to the test this summer as a web intern for South Magazine. It has been fun getting to learn about the side of journalism that, until now, has seemed like a relatively easy type of writing. In fact, it takes research and hard work to form an educated opinion and back up your facts. Although in blog writing you do not have to be fair and balanced, you do need to know what the other side represents in order to discuss what factors you disagree with.

Thank you for teaching me the lessons I learned here and I hope you had as much fun as I did.

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