Thursday, February 4, 2010

Holier Than Thou

I'm used to religion being an uncomfortable topic to talk about. As I am usually the "token Jew" around, especially here in Statesboro, I have been told I am going to hell more times than one should ever hear.

According to a statistic there are 78.4% of American adults that consider themselves Christian versus 1.7% that claim to be Jewish. Consider that number when you also think that 16.1% of American adults call themselves "unaffiliated". This means there are more American adults without a religion rather than those who are Jewish.

So as if there aren't few enough of us in the world, we have a number of those who disagree with the Jewish religion angry enough to verbally attack us. "Anti-Semitism" is a big enough problem to have its own name, have multiple groups that us (Nazis and the KKK anyone?) and fuel a world war.

Celebrities have even gotten in on the Anti-Semitic trend. Mel Gibson famously went on a drunken rant in 2006 telling a reporter that Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world and asked the cop if he was a Jew. Soon after Gibson met with Rabbis and members of the Jewish faith and "payed reparations."

Then this week Gibson was asked about the incident on a news show. He proceeded to curse and get angry at the reporter saying "That's almost four years ago, dude. I mean, I've moved on. I guess you haven't."

You may have moved on and gotten over it Mel Gibson, but when I look at you that's the first think I think of. I'm glad he has a movie career and a family life, but I personally am still not a fan. Sure he's apologized, but as an actor he's supposed to be a role model. As much as I judge Kanye West for saying that George Bush doesn't care about black people, I also judge Mel Gibson for not caring about us Jews.


  1. As much as I judge Kanye West for saying that George Bush doesn't care about black people

    this = true statement.

    end of comment,

  2. 1) Better use of hyperlinks. If you want to make them even better, add target="_blank" to the end of the html code so that they open in a new tab. I'm not going to deduct points from you for not doing this, but it will make your hyperlinks even more effective if you do so.
    2) First sentence of the 3rd graf awkward. Same with next sentence. Proofread before submitting.
    3) Can you vary the format of your posts? It appears that every post starts with text and ends with a pict. See if you can mix it up.
