Monday, February 1, 2010

Puppy Love

So with graduation right around the corner I keep thinking about what comes next. A job definitely and with that hopefully comes a house and someone to come home to. Not what you're thinking...I want a puppy! I am absolutely puppy CRAZY right now but before I get one I needed to know what laws would actually apply to me. Sure GA has laws on how to discard a dead dog or how to properly breed your dog but those don't apply to me. I was more interested in a few others.
1) any damage done by dogs is liable by the owners.
2) dogs in GA are required to wear a collar; removal of that collar is illegal
3) dogs outside of their "enclosure" need to have either a leash or a muzzle

These laws are designed to keep the dogs safe and keep those around them safe. For more dog info go to

After you follow the laws be sure to follow the most important one...LOVE THE DOG


  1. Be more creative in your usage of hyperlinks.

    AWKWARD: Jimmy Kimmel makes fun of the Late Night wars in this funny video here:,28804,1956208_1956202_1956129,00.html
    BETTER: Jimmy Kimmel’s faux Ken Burns documentary provided yet another pot shot against Leno in the Late Night war.

  2. The first graf could use some commas.
