Thursday, April 1, 2010

Cutting Budgets Cutting Hopes

The idea of the budget cuts, although necessary, is tragic. Georgia Southern was discussing eliminating all temporary teachers, the ROTC, the nursing program, and many upper division classes. If this occurs, the success and notoriety Georgia Southern has worked for will be gone. "Large Scale, Small Feel" will soon be "Small Scale, Small Feel." If these cuts occur, may Georgia Southern students will be robbed of a quality education and many professors will have to find other jobs.

I read that if these happen, it will take the average GSU student six years to graduate based off the limited professors and the lack of upper division courses. These cuts will hurt everyone in the university system, not just GSU students. Schools all over Georgia will be hurt by the limited funding.

I feel very lucky that I am getting out of school here when I am. I am completing my education in four years and my college memories will be of a Georgia Southern that had money and classes. The GSU I will remember had funding for concerts and dance shows. I was offered a complete, fun educational experience and was able to leave before things went down the tube.

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