Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Philosophy of Buddhism

Philosophy is defined as "the rational investigation of the truths and principles of being, knowledge, or conduct"

Buddhism, an east Asian, uses their teachings and methodology to become teachings for its followers.

Legend goes that Siddhartha Gautama was a prince in 556 BC. Those around him in the palace shielded him from the horrors of the outside world such as death and pain. One day, he went over the palace walls and saw the truth. He escaped the palace to find out the truth and in doing so, reached enlightenment.

They're four main teachings are:
1) Desire is the root of all suffering
2) Ending desire ends suffering
3) Life is suffering and pain
4) Believers should follow the eight-fold path.

The eight-fold path is:
1) Know and understand the Four Noble Truths
2)Give up all worldly things and don't harm others
3)Tell the truth, don't gossip, and don't talk badly about others
4)Don't commit evil acts, like killing, stealing, or live an unclean life
5)Do rewarding work
6)Work for good and oppose evil
7)Make sure your mind keeps your senses under control
8)Practice meditation as a way of understanding reality

Buddhists practice discipline and self control. They use these methods in their everyday life and truly believe it is the way to holiness. This is why it qualifies as a philosophy.

-Richard Gere
-Goldie Hawn
-Kate Bosworth
-Tiger Woods
-Jet Li

*start at 10 min in*

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